
Ironsight soft point vs armor piercing
Ironsight soft point vs armor piercing

ironsight soft point vs armor piercing ironsight soft point vs armor piercing ironsight soft point vs armor piercing

So with that being said, don’t be alarmed when you pick up a firearm with an unfamiliar name! This sort of change is also present in a few of the gun names as well, as some of those too are trademarked. So we’ve made up substitutions “Beretta” for example becomes “Fierra”, “Glock” substituted with “Eder” and “Ruger” is replaced with “Gruber”. Now this is because we’re now working on a commercial product and we have to respect existing copyrights and trademarks. So to kick things off, if you’re a gun-nut like I am, one of the first things you’ll notice is that the names and brands of the weapons have changed – they are not “real” anymore.

Ironsight soft point vs armor piercing